BlackPowder @ Castlefest!

Castlefest 2019 was again a Fantastic Festival, hosted by the beautiful people of Vana Events.After setting up the camp, we could immediately get into action with a performance of Harmony Glen, Followed by a great Sunfire Concert!
On Friday, we had the honour to listen to the wonderful music of VarendVolk, brought by our good friends at Plunder and Pyrolisis! Our singles got to meet new people at the speeddating, while others listened to the wake up call at the La Horde Pyjama Party.
The BlackPowder crew had such an amazing time with these bands before and after the gigs and at the festival site itself. With the few sparks of energy we had left we went to the silent disco and got totaly exhausted! Thanks to everyone who made this festival so amazing! Make sure to check out our pictures in the Gallery.

BlackPowder at El Mundo Fantasia

During the weekend of July 6th And 7th, at El Mundo Fantasia in Landgraaf.. We were treated to several concerts of Sassenachs in a very different style as the one we have come to know and love them for. Having replaced part of the wardrums for electric guitars, a fullfledged drumkit and a keytar they have rocked our socks off!! After keeping us dancing and singing to exhaustion during the closing concert on Sunday, Laird Peter de Wit and Clan Sassenachs graciously agreed to pose with our small BlackPowder delegation, resulting in another great asset for our Wall of Friends. “Lang may yer lum reek” !!

Welcome to BlackPowder!

Dear Visitor, Reenactor, Fantasy Lover, Rum Addict and many more..

Together, we are blessed with the gift of life. And in one way our another, our paths have crossed at some point! Could have been at a Fantasy Fair, Mittelalter Phantasie Spectaculum, a gig of your favorite band or even online! One thing was sure.. we united and shared beer, food, rum, stories and had a great time at the campfire or any other beautiful location.

It’s not always easy to keep in touch and some very interesting stories or events may not be noticed with the amount of online feeds heading our direction. Privacy settings and other solutions that make your life easier could prevent to share your stories or events with the people you like be informed.

With BlackPowder Community, our goal is to create a ‘virtual camp fire’. A place where you can share the events you will attend , share the progress of that new costume you will wear the coming Fantasy Fest, tell stories of the awesome time we had together, share pictures that makes everyone love or laugh, tell us about this new band everyone should hear about.. and so much more..

Hope to see you soon!

– Captain BlackPowder..


Image created by Floris Roding!